Home Again

Can you believe that in just a few days David & I will celebrate our first anniversary of living here on Sutherland Avenue? Where has the time gone? On December 23rd of last year I received the best Christmas present I’ve ever gotten. Although it came a little early, I received another special gift this year.

A couple of weeks ago, David and I were settling in for a traditional college football Saturday. Actually, he was. I was trying to figure out what I was going to do all day. Then the phone rang. The lady on the other end of the line was Sally Hiers. She said that her friend had once lived in our home. She was wondering if we would mind if they stopped by since they happened to be in town. Oh my! How quickly a day can change! I assured her that I had no plans for the day and would be very excited for them to visit. She thanked me and said that they would be over within the hour. Continue reading

Our House

David and I would like take a moment to thank Charleston Magazine for featuring our home in their November issue.

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Hey, friends!  The folks in Charleston are fairing well after a visit from Irma early last week. Thank goodness she had gotten a hold of herself by the time she arrived. It is hurricane season, something we must accept. A time when we are always on alert with our eyes to the sky. All part of life in the low country. Continue reading

Summer In The City

patio 3b

Hey friends! Does the date May 30th, ring a bell? That’s the last time we sat down for one of our fireside chats.   Time sure flies, doesn’t it? After a renovation of this magnitude, the changes aren’t happening as quickly as they were this time last year, as you can well imagine.  Sometimes it takes me a little longer to gather enough information to share. That time has come. I’m locked and loaded!

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Doo, Doo, Doo, Lookin’ Out My Backdoor!

Bathtub 2b

Hey cyber buddies! It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?  There’s a very good reason for that. We’ve been very busy as you will see. 🙂

This is my 24th blog. Can you believe that? I’ve pretty much gotten down a system. I take tons of photographs until I feel I’m at a point I have enough to share. Then, before I even write the first word, I start to think of a song to use for a title. This time, it was easy as pie. Today, it’s all about “Lookin’ Out My Backdoor”. Continue reading

At Last!


Well, grab yourself a cup of coffee folks, because this is going to be a long one! I owe you a great big apology for my long hiatus, but as you will see from the photographs I have to share, I have been very busy. I can’t wait to show you all that’s been happening at 10 Sutherland Ave.

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Do You Believe In Magic?


Happy New Year to all our friends and followers out there in Cyberville! I hope your holiday season was filled with the 3 Fs: Friends, Food and Family. As for David and myself, we received about the best present anyone could ask for, a brand new/old house!

I’ll spare you all the details about how busy we’ve been. I am certain you will assume so. I want to get to the photos asap but first, let me share with you the story of our first night in our new home. We can call it, “Welcome to Sutherly.”

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Hey y’all! I hope all is well with our friends and family out there in Cyberville! As for the Ellsworths, we are filled with ANTICIPATION! Yes, we are nearing the finish line. Can you believe it? We hope to receive our Certificate of Occupancy Monday, December 12.

It’s hard to imagine that just six short months ago our house looked like the photo below. And this week we are calling the moving company and ordering curtains. 🙂

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Up Around the Bend!


Hey folks! I hope all is well with our friends and family who love to gather with us here at 10 Sutherland Avenue, Charleston South Carolina!

No one said it better than John Fogerty. “Come on the risin’ wind. We’re goin’ up around the bend!” Yes, we are headed around the bend. Or as our contractor says, “We’re headed into the fun stuff!” They both hit the nail on the head.

There is so much going on that to tell you the truth, I’m a little overwhelmed as to how to convey it all to you. I figure I’ll just dive in. Here we go!

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Haunted House???


Just as promised, I’m back with a story that is fitting for the season. As the title indicates, I’ve had a few hints along the way that Sutherly might be, well let’s just say a little “spiritual”. I’ve been wanting to share these happenings with you but I thought it would be more fun to save them until the season of ghosts and goblins to give them their maximum impact! Continue reading

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